Under the plan recommended today and slated for a City Council vote tomorrow, hearings would be held as follows:Now you have an e-mail and a fax number to offer your own ideas to Ald. Mell! In addition to open meetings you can attend.
People also can send remap comments to the Rules Committee through e-mail at rmell@cityofchicago.org or via fax at 312-744-4843.
- 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday, North Park Village Administration Building community room, 5801 N. Pulaski Rd.
- 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday, North — Grand High School auditorium, 4338 W. Wabansia Ave.
- 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Nov. 8, South Shore International College Prep High School gym, 1955 E. 75th St.
- 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Nov. 9, Morgan Park High School auditorium, 1744 W. Pryor Ave.
- 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Nov. 14, Whitney Young High School library, 211 S. Laflin St.
- 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 17, City Hall City Council chambers, 121 N. LaSalle St.
This article also offers a run-down on the whole remapping process:
The city must redraw its wards every 10 years to reflect changes in population as documented by the census. Latinos are pressing for more wards with Hispanic majorities, while African Americans are fighting to maintain their majority-black wards even though their population numbers dropped significantly.Read the whole thing! It's a very tough process this year, perhaps more so than it was a decade ago.
The law says the city must approve a new map by Dec. 1, but aldermen can agree to do it later in the month, as they did 10 years ago, city officials said.
If any group of 10 or more aldermen proposes an alternate map, the proposals go to referendum. And there’s always the threat of costly litigation. Mell led a process 10 years ago that managed to avoid those pitfalls.
redrawing the wards would only further the decay of this once proud and strong city. one main reason in that section 8 housing is a neighborhood killer. it has done nothing but destroy every neighborhood its has infected. When people do not have a vested interest, ie owining property, they are less likely to care what happens there. while reading an article about alderman Solis and Munoz who have done nothing to curb the violence of the vicious hispanic street gangs who have descimated their wards for decades, made me sick. By allowing these failed, pathetic, and negilent alderman to expand their influence would be a travisty to the 23rd ward. We are already seeing the affects of the rental properities of residents from the 13th and 14th wards who move in and bring a ghetto/gang mentallity. If this is the path the city is going in god help us all! The influx of the hispanic population is a direct and undisputable effect of our Sanctuary city status. The United States of America should be for its LEGAL citizens first. Agree or disagree it is the truth.